The real and imaginative adventures of Dennis Spielman

Month: July 2012

Possible Covers for A Collection Before the Crash

Last night, I posted the two cover designs I created for A Collection Before the Crash on Facebook for my friends to judge. I took 48 pictures on Sunday afternoon for the cover and these two were my favorite. The second cover (the one on the right with the larger flower) currently has the most likes from my friends.

As for the back cover, that will depend on the front. This is the work in progress text I have right now:
“Follow the normal lives of several people on the Green Planet as they deal with vengeful actors, a stalking scarecrow, illusions gone awry, kidnapping robots, a disappearing moon, scavengers in space, and a psychotic vampire detective – all while ignorant to the gods schemes.”

Getting so close to releasing it…

Off to the editor

A Collection Before the Crash, the collection of intertwining short stories following characters from The Crashing of Heaven and Hell, has been sent to an editor.


A Collection Before the Crash follows the normal lives of several people on the Green Planet as they deal with vengeful actors, stalking scarecrows, illusions gone awry, kidnapping robots, a disappearing moon, scavengers in space, a psychotic vampire detective, and scheming plans from the gods.

The book will be available as a free eBook to promote my upcoming novel, The Crashing of Heaven and Hell. There will also be a paperback version for purchase.

This is how I usually feel…

For the record, this is how I usually feel:

My friend, Books

Whither you want to have an adventure in your backyard or on the Five Following Planets, the new Books section will take you there.

Currently in there is a link to Uncovering Oklahoma’s Date Guide book and descriptions for two of my upcoming books, A Collection Before the Crash and The Crashing of Heaven and Hell.

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