The real and imaginative adventures of Dennis Spielman

Month: June 2016

30secs with deadCenter Filmmakers 2016

Here’s the recap video of all the 30 Seconds (or less) with various filmmakers showing movies at the 2016 deadCenter Film Festival that I have been posting on Twitter and Facebook. In my 30 Seconds Series, I gave each person 30 seconds to talk about the film they were involved in. Think of each video like the filmmaker is making elevator pitch as to why you should see the movie. All the videos are are done as a one shot. The fun thing about this project, besides the short nature, was as soon as a video session was done, it went straight online. If you missed any of these films at deadCenter, many of them are set to play at other festivals and some may even get distribution on Netflix. Whatever the future holds, enjoy this recap and keep an eye out for them!

deadCENTER Film Festival 2016

The star of this week’s video is Oklahoma’s largest film festival, deadCENTER! Director of Programming, Kim Haywood, and Artistic Director, Lance McDaniel, talk about the festival, what people can expect from attending it, and what’s new with this year’s event. Plus filmmaker, Jacob Leighton Burns shares his favorite part about deadCENTER. The festival runs from June 8th through the 12th.

While at the festival, be sure catch my feature documentary, District Up! Showing one night only at in the Plaza District on Friday, June 10th at 8pm!

If you wish to help Uncovering Oklahoma, consider becoming a patron for advanced and exclusive content. There’s bonus content like the full length, uncut interview with Jacob Burns, in which we talk about his movie, Electric Nostalgia (which you should also go see), as we get rained on part way through the interview.

Thank you for watching!

Food Truck Festivals of the 405 and Watch Party

Get to know the major Food Truck Festivals of the 405!

Brian Bergman starts the segment talking about the largest food truck festival of them all, H&8th Night Market. Douglas Sorocco and Graham Colton talk about The Exchange on Film Row. In Downtown Edmond, Jill Castilla talks about Heard on Hurd. Then in Norman, Megan Williams talks about Beats and Bites at Riverwind Casino. Each of them describe their event, their favorite part, and what makes their event unique from others.

To discuss the smaller food truck events, Executive Directors of the Plaza District and Western Avenue Association, Cayla Lewis and Rachael Taylor, respectively, share what else one can find in the Greater Oklahoma City Metro.

Testing the setup for the party

I filmed the part with Cayla and Rachel last night at the private watch party I held for the cast/crew of District Up! I had about a dozen guests able to make it and they all enjoyed it! There’s not much else to talk about the party, but I do want to share off these pictures of the treat setup my wife put together.

2016-06-01 Watch Party for District Up-02
2016-06-01 Watch Party for District Up-03

Next Friday will be the World Premiere! I’m looking forward to it.

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