The real and imaginative adventures of Dennis Spielman

Month: January 2012 Page 1 of 2

Extreme Improv Challenge #4

Ann-Lisette Caveny takes the extreme improv challenge where she has to guess as many spooky characters as she can in five minutes. The challenge becomes an endurance for everyone to keep the monsters coming as the clock drains down. Watch the hilarious video to see just how many and what monsters Ann-Lisette guesses while waiting for her ride in a dark alley under a full moon.

Dennis’ Commentary: Ann-Lisette was supposed to say “wild” improv challenge like in the first three videos, but instead she said “extreme.” Instead of correcting it, I ran with it and from this video forward, I had improvisers make up the description describing the challenge. That’s how the show’s name changed from wild to [wild]. Adding the counter and timer to the video took hours, but was totally worth it. I also didn’t expect this challenge to become a fast blast of monster guessing game. Instead, I thought it would’ve been slower with the characters being fleshed out more. Overall, I love how this challenge turned out and I hope you enjoyed it too.

P.S. This challenge was honestly filmed during a full moon night.

Wild Improv Challenge #3

Alyssa and Bryan Buckley of Red Letters were challenged to be in a buddy cop film by pulling out cop archetypes from my hat and then venture out to “bust some punks.” Bryan played a hyper-active cop while Alyssa played the stereotypical black cop. Wade Martin and Kenny Madison of Good Cop/Nice Cop end up on the receiving end of Red Letter’s justice crusade.

This is the first challenge where I used a hat and pulling out the suggestions live. This was a great video and everyone played their characters wonderfully.

Rock Paper Scissors Interview

Friday night I interviewed Denise Duong and Matt Seikel on their new show, “Rock Paper Scissors: Based on a True Story,” on display at Science Museum Oklahoma. Today I published the video along with a few pictures and the press release at Uncovering Oklahoma. The full article can be found here.

On the subject of Uncovering Oklahoma, I am writing a Date Guide book! Looks like I’m going to have a book published in February after all. 🙂 I’m working hard to get it done in time for February, when everyone is looking for date ideas. I’m going to get back to work on the book now, so I’ll share more about the writing process when I’m finished.

Wild Improv Challenge #2!

Sue Ellen Reiman and Jonathan Shane McClure (both from Everybody and Their Dog) perform an improvised Birthday song for Raychel Winstead. They had to include two topics in their song, which Raychel chose from numbers 2 (zombies) and 8 (the government is watching us). The numbers made up the date of her birth.

Missed last week’s challenge? What to know when future videos will be published? Visit the [Wild] Improv Challenge page.

The Premier of [Wild] Improv Challenge!

Raychel Winstead (Villain: The Musical, The MiDolls) is the first to accept a wild challenge! During her lunch break from work, Raychel met up with me at the Myriad Botanical Gardens. Raychel was challenged to sing a song about PMS with the title of “fire.” Before shooting, she had to pick a number from 1 to 15 for the subject to sing about. She picked 3 since it was 3 days before her Birthday.

Enjoy the debut video! Check back Mondays for a new video.

Dennis Spielman’s [Wild] Improv Challenge is just the first of many projects that will be released this year, so stay tuned for many more amazing things!

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