The real and imaginative adventures of Dennis Spielman

Month: March 2013

Ain’t No Party Like A Dennis Spielman Party!

Ain’t no party like a Dennis Spielman party because only a bunch of Dennis Spielmans known how to party!

Deeper Artist Meaning: This photo asks, who are we at parties?

Behind the Photo: This photo was a serious challenge to do because my weight on the couch would cause indents that wouldn’t appear on other images. That box I’m wearing on my head is of a printer I bought earlier that day. I pulled the printer out and used that box for this self-shot picture before hooking the printer up to my computer.

Mentally: The Writing Process

The Characters! The Characters! The Characters! They’ve come alive to tell their story to me as I write.

Behind the Photo: You can’t really tell, but I have my book, The Crashing of the Heaven and Hell, on my word processor on my iMac’s screen. The idea behind this self-shot was to have various characters talk to me as I write, which I like how it turned out. I was worried about the shadows from the black coat self, but that didn’t turn out to be an issue.

Dinner with Me, Myself, and I

I’ve been feeling lonely lately, so I decided to have Me, Myself, and I together for dinner.

It didn’t go so well…

Deeper Artistic Meaning: This picture tells the tale of one cycle of depression and loneliness. In the blue shirt sitting east with the rise of the sun, we feel bright, sky high, refreshed, and ready to live. As we move toward the middle of the day, we don’t feel so high and we’re bit a more grounded, playing with our technology to distract us from our loneliness. As the sun sets, the voices in our head emerge to tell us how worthless we are and all we want to do is cut the voices.

Behind the Photo: This self-shot picture was my first time to play around with the idea of multiple selfs in the same shot. I had fun making it and created more. I did have to tell people on Facebook that I was honestly okay.

Porn for Women

To help to finance my projects, I was thinking of turning to Porn for Women. Here’s a self-shot picture of me cooking a vegetarian meal while ironing and doing the dishes. I also have a bowl full of chocolates.

Deeper Artistic Meaning: What turns on people? Attraction is so much more than appearance, but metal as well.

Behind the Photo: I brought the ironing board earlier that day. I took this self-shot before actually ironing with it. To be honest, the iron wasn’t plugged in, the was nothing cooking, and the dishes weren’t being washed. I do own that cookbook.

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