The real and imaginative adventures of Dennis Spielman

Tag: The Crashing of Heaven and Hell Page 3 of 4

Edited: A Flower for Virus

My short story, A Flower for Virus, has been updated. In the story, Jet Ignis has taken his lover out for a romantic date when a flying carpeted vehicle crash lands in a sanctuary. The two run off to help, but get tangled up in a plot of revenge in this colorful, imaginative, sci-fi story. There are some nice improvements in this version over the draft that was posted thanks to some leveling up in my writing skills. There’s also a featured header image now.

This story is actually the first chapter from A Collection Before the Crash.

I would like to thank Leah Kenkellerton for editing the story.

Possible Covers for A Collection Before the Crash

Last night, I posted the two cover designs I created for A Collection Before the Crash on Facebook for my friends to judge. I took 48 pictures on Sunday afternoon for the cover and these two were my favorite. The second cover (the one on the right with the larger flower) currently has the most likes from my friends.

As for the back cover, that will depend on the front. This is the work in progress text I have right now:
“Follow the normal lives of several people on the Green Planet as they deal with vengeful actors, a stalking scarecrow, illusions gone awry, kidnapping robots, a disappearing moon, scavengers in space, and a psychotic vampire detective – all while ignorant to the gods schemes.”

Getting so close to releasing it…

Off to the editor

A Collection Before the Crash, the collection of intertwining short stories following characters from The Crashing of Heaven and Hell, has been sent to an editor.


A Collection Before the Crash follows the normal lives of several people on the Green Planet as they deal with vengeful actors, stalking scarecrows, illusions gone awry, kidnapping robots, a disappearing moon, scavengers in space, a psychotic vampire detective, and scheming plans from the gods.

The book will be available as a free eBook to promote my upcoming novel, The Crashing of Heaven and Hell. There will also be a paperback version for purchase.

Date Guide Book 2.0 + The Future!

CoverThe Second Edition of Uncovering Oklahoma’s Date Guide book is now available! This edition is twice the size with 32 pages of places and over 50 ideas for dates – whether it’s a first date, a fun day out with other couples, or even an intimate, romantic date – the book has it covered.

The areas included are Oklahoma City, Bricktown, Norman, Edmond, and Arcadia, along with general ideas that can be done anywhere. Here’s a detailed list of what’s new:

  • New cover taken at the SkyDance Bridge in Oklahoma City, with thanks to Jeffrey Burleson and Susan Riley
  • New Section: Edmond and Arcadia with Armstrong Auditorium, E.C. Hafer Park, POPS, Arcadia Lake, Lemongrass, and Elevation Trampoline Park
  • New Section: ANYWHERE! A general date activities section with ideas that can be done anywhere
  • New in the Norman section is the Second Friday Circuit of Art, Pink Elephant Cafe & Tres Cantina, Cookies & Cards, Gaberino’s, and Shall We Dance?
  • New in the Oklahoma City section is The Oklahoma River, Martin Park Nature Center, Will Rogers Gardens, Myriad Botanical Gardens, Pole Position Raceway, Urban Art, Sara Sara Cupcakes, I.V.C., and the Oklahoma City Museum of Art
  • Removed upcoming plays at the theaters to keep the book timeless
  • Added Chapter Quotes because quotes are cool
  • Updated, replaced, and added a new foreword, pictures, quotes, links, etc. with other minor changes and improvements throughout the book

Download Uncovering Oklahoma’s Date Guide Book PDF

If you liked my date book and Uncovering Oklahoma web site, please vote for “Uncovering Oklahoma” as “Best Web Site or Blog” and “Dennis Spielman” as “Best Local Writer” in the Oklahoma Gazette’s Best of OKC 2012 Awards! Every vote helps!

So, what now?

The third edition, which I tentatively set for September 18, will include Tulsa. I will be visiting the Tulsa area throughout the summer.

I will also be working on getting The Crashing of Heaven and Hell released (also tentatively set for early September). All’s that’s left is to get a book cover, a proofread by an editor, and film a book trailer.

In July the goal is to film prequel videos for The Time Traveling Troupe and hopefully in August film an actual show. Raychel Winstead, Kyle Brower, and I held a meeting at Big Truck Tacos and decided to put on an impressive, over-the-top one night show. The show should would be like three episodes with an over arching plot. We’re still working out the details, including the date, but we’ll more and likely partner with OKC Improv.

In September, I want to film a horror movie in a “found footage” style of to be released in October. I’m still working out the script, but it’s going to be a prequel for another book of mine, Too Close to the Ground, that I’ve been working on and off since high school. This book is planned to be released in either November or December.

As you can see, I have a full plate for this year. I even have projects planned for 2013. Keep up-to-date with the “Subscribe via Email” box to the right.

The Current State of Limbo for March 1, 2012

I’m in a state of limbo with my projects. My book, The Crashing of Heaven and Hell, is with an editor and the cover is with artists. Yesterday at work I came up with an idea for a commercial for the book and I jotted it down during lunch. Now, I’m in a limbo state on that because I have to wait until it’s printed before I can film it. I’m aiming for an April release date.

Uncovering Oklahoma? I need to invest some money in advertising for the site. Before I do that, I’m going to improve the restaurant section. I brainstormed new content ideas last night that I’m going to work on. I haven’t started the second edition of the date guide yet. I want to release the next one in May with more cities and outdoor activities.

SoaH City? I have a friend of the site trying to bring some life back to the message board and the site.

Wild Improv Challenge? I have a few more videos in queue, but I need to film more soon to keep it weekly. The most watched video is challenge #3, which is so popular because I posted it on SoaH City to promote the show.

New Unannounced Improvised Show? Technically, I have several unannounced shows so I’ve added the hint of “improvised” to it. I have a logo designed. We a meeting back on February 20th to watch some videos to get inspired. We are all really excited about the show. We have dates and a location set to start filming on June 21st (yes, a long way away). I’ve touched base with a friend about building the set piece. One of the next steps will involve getting the cast together to film a promo video for it and start the fundraising!

And now for some funny pictures I’ve personally taken with my iPhone!

I saw this mural painted on the back of a truck on my way out from Wal-Mart. Yes, his truck is painted in it.

I saw this help wanted sign in Norman where I was walking around Campus Corner, taking pictures for Uncovering Oklahoma’s Date Guide.

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