I am happy to publish the first episode of the Uncovering Oklahoma Weekly Show with special guest Paulette Nicole of Fat Nikki Food Tours!
In this episode we talk about Paulette’s food tour company and the food of Oklahoma City’s Plaza District. Plus we bring out “Fat Nikki” and “Lazy James” to do a tour of microwave cooking and sample some treats from Cookies-N-Cards in Norman.
I had a blast filming this episode and Paulette was a fantabulous guest! While I had fun making it, I have taken notes to improve things in the future. Hey, you never know how things are going to turn out until you try! š
When I laid out all of the footage for editing, this episode was a 34 minute wide shot in 4K. I changed the project to 720p play with the image and made it more visually interesting, cut the length down to 24 minutes, and overall it worked out rather well.
Want the recipes we used? Here’s the Mason Jar Pancakes and the Microwave French Toast.
I’m excited about this project. Doing a regular show is what I want to do in life. I hope you enjoy this weekly show and that you stay tuned!